
CCA Board Planning Meeting

Greetings. Salaam. Each new year, January/February, the CCA board gathers to debrief, give thanks, pray, and seek God’s heart for the next CCA conference in July. Thank you for joining us in prayer!

Please help us cover everything in prayer. We are asking God to reveal His will regarding the Biblical theme, praise/worship times, speakers, breakout sessions, and schedule for the conference in July. We are asking the Lord to open our hearts and minds to His purpose and plans for CCA.

We will also hear/share reports on God’s work among Afghans. How have you seen God working recently? Are there things God has placed on your heart about the CCA gathering? Feel free to share any ideas, prayers, thoughts, or words with us.

Thank you for joining us in prayer for God to pour out His Spirit on us and the work among Afghans.

All for King Jesus and His Kingdom!

John Weaver and the CCA board

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Save The Date July 13-16, 2025

CCA 2025 will be July 13-16.

Salaam. Please mark your calendar, July 13-16, and share it with your friends.  Once again Concerned Christians for Afghanistan (CCA) will gather to celebrate and promote God’s work among the peoples of Afghanistan. Followers of Christ who are serving Afghans all over the world are invited. Of course, Afghan Christians are invited, too. CCA 2025 registration is open.  REGISTER

The past two years have been challenging for many Afghans and for those of us who love and serve Afghans. Many of us are extended beyond our capacity. The work can be discouraging and relentless. But God is at work.

Now more than ever we need to gather to pray and unite around God’s throne. We need to be encouraged by His Spirit and His Word. We need to worship together and work side by side to advance God’s Kingdom among Afghans and beyond!

We look forward to all that God will do at CCA 2025 July 13-16.

John Weaver (CCA Chairman) and the CCA Board.

God made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us. Acts 17:26-27

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Pray for CCA

Salaam. What an amazing CCA 2024. We have heard so many encouraging reports. We are all part of the wave of Kingdom momentum from CCA. Many of us are sharing what we have experienced at CCA, and especially Afghan believers are passing on to others what they have learned at CCA (2 Timothy 2:2). Praise God!

Please pray for the CCA board as we plan CCA 2025. We heard many comments about the location, and we believe we found some ways to keep the costs lower.  So, we plan to return to the same location July 13-16, 2025.  Please Mark Your Calendars: July 13-16. 

Yes, we are open to the possibility of finding a better location for 2026. Please share with us by clicking on this email if you have any ideas for suitable locations for CCA 2026. Meanwhile, make plans to join us July 13-16 for CCA 2025 as we continue to celebrate and promote God’s Kingdom among Afghans and beyond!  

John Weaver CCA Board of Directors

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